Tianguis Cultural del Chopo

“El Chopo” cultural street market: place of memory and resistance as a result of transgressive practices by young Rock fans.

Sustainable mobility

Bus driver’s transgression in response to constant regulations and the reordering of licensed public transportation in Mexico City

Young marijuana consumers in public spaces in Mexico City. The case of El Salado

Young users of marihuana get together in “El Salado” street market to participate in acts of resistance, social activism and transformation

Male-male sex work in the public sphere of Mexico City

In “Zona Rosa”, male sexual work transgresses traditional culture about sexual diversity, youth and sex trade.

Living in the street

“Libertad” lives in the street and uses inhaling drugs. Her urban and corporal experience reflects cultural problems and neglected public health issues.

Central American Migrants

Young migrants moving through public spaces in Mexico City in precarious and stigmatized conditions.


What place do young people occupy in the public political space and how do they transform it? Participatory research with the ACLEFEU collective.


The relation between young people and public spaces in Tarterêts neighborhood, an area known for drug trafficking problems and confrontation with the police

Paris 18e

In the 18th District in Paris, old workers neighborhoods are suffering urban reconfigurations causing poverty and gentrification.


In-between the place where they grew up, everyday life, and a marked centralization in the North of Paris, how does young people see themselves in their neighborhood?

Creative Spaces

Research on how young people transgress or believe they transgress official and cultural norms regarding the use of creative spaces.

Rural youth labor migrants

Each year, 50,000 internal migrants move to Hanoi in search of work. Some urban residents consider their presence problematic.

Young Graffiti Writers

In a socialist state intolerant of public dissent, how is graffiti created and to what extent does it transgress the norms of public space?

Youth Itinerant Vendors

The Hanoi municipal government has imposed a series of policies restricting informal activities in the city's public spaces.

Youth Perspectives

Research on how the rapid urbanization of Hanoi, in a rather authoritarian context is affecting one cohort: the youth.

Young racialized Montrealers

Everyday experience of racialized youth marked by stigmatization, islamophobia, racism and ordinary violence

Teenagers in PAT

Research about teenagers and the way they use public spaces in Pointe-aux-Trembles, a neighborhood on the West side of Montreal

Cannabis Dealers

How do Montreal cannabis dealers live the fact of illegally selling a product that today has become usual and legal?

Young racialized women

Research about the places of expression mobilized by racialized young women in Montreal against racial, class and gender marginalization.

Socio-spatial practices of young racialized people in Parc-Extension

Ethnographic study about everyday practices in Parc-Extension, a neighborhood with socio-economic difficulties and home to racialized immigrants.

Extreme right

How do Montreal’s right-wing organizations work? This study is focused on these activist groups’ practices and their impact.

Montreal by night

Night life in Montréal involves the active participation of young people. Are these practices risky or transgressive?

D-North, Detours and practices of space in Montréal-Nord

Montréal-Nord is a neighborhood facing racial and spatial stigmatization affecting youth practices and representations.

Project 3629

Project 3629 consists of the remodeling of a guest house in the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve neighborhood to accommodate socially excluded people.

Young Indigenous

Narrative cartographies visualizing the stories and territorialities of Montreal/Tiohtià:ke Indigenous youth